Zoran Spasojević
Višnjićeva 2/7
34000 Kragujevac
PAK 552606
I have been involved with mail art since 1977. I am showing mail art I receive and mail art I send to others. Send me mail art if you want to.
Call for pARTicipation – “Donate a chance at life”-
Part two
Here is my open call for a charitable mail art Exhibition. Please help me spread the call as much as possible all over the planet, so spread it as much as you can.
Human Colours, Music
Part two
International MAIL ART Exhibition in Thessaloniki
November 2010
The final deadline, to apply is October 10 – 2010 (post stamp)
Second Round – November 2010
Dear Artists
Following the success of the first round in June 2010,in Athens, with the participation of 328 artists from 45 countries with 613 art works, we are delighted to launch the second round of the:
Human Colours, Music
International MAIL ART Exhibition in Thessaloniki - Greece
to be opened in November 2010. We are now receiving entries from artists who wish participate in the second round.
As well, you are kindly requested to spread the application form attached to this mail to artists from your contact lists.
Artists can check the comprehensive catalogue of the first round through this link:
http://human-colours-music-thessaloniki.blogspot.com/ (part 2)
http://human-colours-music-greekmailart.blogspot.com (part 1)